Hello bro. Tutorial to make eye vectors in infinite design in this article is the first tutorial that I will explain in this blog, as well as this is the first article from this blog.
I will share many vector tutorials use only the Infinite Design Android application on this blog.
So please support this blog so that it continues to grow and become a successful blog to share tutorials on making vector using only the Infinite Design application on Android. Don't forget, I will also share other vector tutorials where I use applications on my computer.
Okay, back to the main discussion.
To create an eye vector will be straightforward if you already understand the uses of all tools in the Infinite Design application.
But calm down, if you don't understand the uses of all tools in this application, I will explain little by little about this infinite design application tool.
Before entering the tutorial, please save first the ingredients needed below.
1. color pallet, download
2. pictures of eyes for example,
3. infinite design application.
If you have prepared the materials above, please follow the tutorial below.
First, open the Infinite Design application and create a new project with unlimited canvas sizes.
If the new project is open, please enter the eye image that I have prepared above. By clicking the three-point icon in the top corner and selecting Import then look for the eye image that you have downloaded. Then select "trace" do not select the "picture" option.
If the eye image has been entered, then enter the pallet image that I have provided above for you to download in the same way, but in the final choice select "image" do not "trace" and adjust its location so as not to cover the eye image.
Second, draw the eyelashes. To make eyelashes we use the "Pen" tool and the "Tappered" brush. Change the color to the color "Line art" that I have provided on the pallet, to change it, please click the color icon and select the color injector.
Then click or point to the color of the line art contained in the pallet image. Make sure the color changes to the same color as the "line art" color in the pallet image.
Then please draw the eyelashes by following the shape of the eyelashes in the eye image as below and don't forget to activate the outline so that we can still see the eye image that we traced.
Click checklist if the shape is in accordance with the original image of the eyelashes.
Turn off the line if you want to see the results.
Third, we make the eyes precisely on the whites of the eyes.
To make it we still use the same tools and brushes, but make a new layer and save it just below the eye shadow layer.
Change the color to tooth color No. two on the pallet or the color in the middle.
Then we make the basic color first. Please make a shape of the whites of his eyes as below.
Third, we make the pupils of his eyes.
To make the pupils, we don't need to make a new layer, so we use a layer from the base color of the eye that we made earlier. So that the whites of the eyes and pupils are on one layer.
Use the "circle" tool and the "Lasso" brush and change the color to the line art color.
Next, please make the pupils with a circle the same size as the original pupils in the image we traced. Use the "edit" tool to change the layout and size of the pupils as below.
Click check if the size and layout are correct.
If there are pupils that are over the white area of the eye, we can remove them using the segment tool.
Please cross out the circle that exceeds the white area of the eye like this.
Next we give the color of his eyes according to our wishes. Still using the same tool and brush, but for the color, please change it to the color you want.
Then make it as below by overwriting the pupils that we made earlier but with a smaller size, then make a small circle in the middle but using line art colors.
If it's like the above, then next we give the gradient effect for the blue circle. Please use the gradient tool and change the two gradient points to blue on the circle by clicking on the gradient point and changing the color by injecting it into the blue circle.
Then one of the gradient points change the opacity to 0% or transparent. Then click the circle that we will give the gradient effect, so it will be like below.
Click check if it is appropriate.
Next we make a reflection of light in his eyes so that the eyes look more real.
To make it we use the Pen tool and Lasso brush, then change the color to white. And make it as below and direct the gradient with the two white gradient points and one of them is 0% or transparent.
If it's like the above, then next we make the eyes whiter.
Change the color to the lightest tooth color available on the pallet, use the Pen tool and the Lasso brush and make it as below. Covering the pupils is not a problem, we can handle it. And don't forget to cut the part that crosses the boundary by using the Segment tool.
Then select as below using the select tool, make sure what you select is the pupil we made earlier. Then choose the "Forward" option.
So the results will be as below.
And lastly, we make small meat in the corner of his eye. To make it use the same tool and brush and change the color to the darkest mouth color that I have provided on the pallet.
Then make it as below, don't forget to cut using the segment tool that is outside the basic color limit.
So the results will be like the first photo that I saved above this article.
So how? Straightforward, right? You need to understand the uses of each tool in the Infinite Design application first so that you can very easily understand this tutorial.
But I also have explained a number of tools in the Infinite Design application in this article.
So, that's a little eye vector tutorial that I can explain. Continue to visit this blog to get other vector tutorials especially for beginners :)
I will share many vector tutorials use only the Infinite Design Android application on this blog.
So please support this blog so that it continues to grow and become a successful blog to share tutorials on making vector using only the Infinite Design application on Android. Don't forget, I will also share other vector tutorials where I use applications on my computer.
Okay, back to the main discussion.
To create an eye vector will be straightforward if you already understand the uses of all tools in the Infinite Design application.
But calm down, if you don't understand the uses of all tools in this application, I will explain little by little about this infinite design application tool.
Before entering the tutorial, please save first the ingredients needed below.
1. color pallet, download
2. pictures of eyes for example,
3. infinite design application.
If you have prepared the materials above, please follow the tutorial below.
First, open the Infinite Design application and create a new project with unlimited canvas sizes.
If the new project is open, please enter the eye image that I have prepared above. By clicking the three-point icon in the top corner and selecting Import then look for the eye image that you have downloaded. Then select "trace" do not select the "picture" option.
If the eye image has been entered, then enter the pallet image that I have provided above for you to download in the same way, but in the final choice select "image" do not "trace" and adjust its location so as not to cover the eye image.
Second, draw the eyelashes. To make eyelashes we use the "Pen" tool and the "Tappered" brush. Change the color to the color "Line art" that I have provided on the pallet, to change it, please click the color icon and select the color injector.
Then click or point to the color of the line art contained in the pallet image. Make sure the color changes to the same color as the "line art" color in the pallet image.
Then please draw the eyelashes by following the shape of the eyelashes in the eye image as below and don't forget to activate the outline so that we can still see the eye image that we traced.
Turn off the line if you want to see the results.
Third, we make the eyes precisely on the whites of the eyes.
To make it we still use the same tools and brushes, but make a new layer and save it just below the eye shadow layer.
Change the color to tooth color No. two on the pallet or the color in the middle.
Then we make the basic color first. Please make a shape of the whites of his eyes as below.
Third, we make the pupils of his eyes.
To make the pupils, we don't need to make a new layer, so we use a layer from the base color of the eye that we made earlier. So that the whites of the eyes and pupils are on one layer.
Use the "circle" tool and the "Lasso" brush and change the color to the line art color.
Next, please make the pupils with a circle the same size as the original pupils in the image we traced. Use the "edit" tool to change the layout and size of the pupils as below.
Click check if the size and layout are correct.
If there are pupils that are over the white area of the eye, we can remove them using the segment tool.
Please cross out the circle that exceeds the white area of the eye like this.
Then make it as below by overwriting the pupils that we made earlier but with a smaller size, then make a small circle in the middle but using line art colors.
Then one of the gradient points change the opacity to 0% or transparent. Then click the circle that we will give the gradient effect, so it will be like below.
Click check if it is appropriate.
Next we make a reflection of light in his eyes so that the eyes look more real.
To make it we use the Pen tool and Lasso brush, then change the color to white. And make it as below and direct the gradient with the two white gradient points and one of them is 0% or transparent.
If it's like the above, then next we make the eyes whiter.
Change the color to the lightest tooth color available on the pallet, use the Pen tool and the Lasso brush and make it as below. Covering the pupils is not a problem, we can handle it. And don't forget to cut the part that crosses the boundary by using the Segment tool.
Then select as below using the select tool, make sure what you select is the pupil we made earlier. Then choose the "Forward" option.
So the results will be as below.
And lastly, we make small meat in the corner of his eye. To make it use the same tool and brush and change the color to the darkest mouth color that I have provided on the pallet.
Then make it as below, don't forget to cut using the segment tool that is outside the basic color limit.
So the results will be like the first photo that I saved above this article.
So how? Straightforward, right? You need to understand the uses of each tool in the Infinite Design application first so that you can very easily understand this tutorial.
But I also have explained a number of tools in the Infinite Design application in this article.
So, that's a little eye vector tutorial that I can explain. Continue to visit this blog to get other vector tutorials especially for beginners :)
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